Monday, November 29, 2010

Dead meat Promise

" I promises I'd stay. 
You promised Abah (father) that you'd never hurt me. 
And Jason promised that he'd never leave me.
 It's modern times, sayang (dear). "

Orked said this to his husband in movie Gubra when she found his husband is actually having affair with some other woman. In the end, she didn't kept her promise to stay because as she said, this is a modern times. Though is not about relationship for my situation, however, is the matter of the "promise". Her words can't describe even better how my feeling today, I'm felt gloomy, promise is that fragile and weak for the people nowadays, the people that I care....

My friend told me that I easily get infuriate and I never realize until he told me so. Well, I've to admit that what he said might be true, I know myself is an impatient person. Whether or no, what happened today really pissed me off though I'm trying not to show on my face, I didn't want to mess up the situation when thing is work in a rush right now. If someone could tell me, is the issue itself has already goes too far or am I easily get infuriate now? Sigh.

I felt extremely cold sitting at the open air of cafe when the rain was so heavy and the wind chill so much, I never thought to move myself inside because I wish the weather could cold me down and calm my soul.... Perhaps it really works, albeit it sound like dumb dumb to you. Well, at least you don't wish to see me go and punch people, rite? 

Why why why? 
Promise is just another dead meat for you, isnt? 
Or it simply a Noun with empty value? Please don't make any promise, even a little "Ok" when you fail to put into practice because you're letting people heart broken without conscious though you're not intend to do so. 

Stuck in the heavy rain, I read my book and listening to Nancy Sinatra's Bang Bang..... the melody sound extraordinary beautiful and sweet in the raining day. Perhaps the chilly raining day did comforted my heart   =)

Bang Bang..... my baby shot me down


Friday, November 26, 2010


古装片的千军万马在沙尘滚滚的天地挥洒豪迈和威武,时常让我看得热血沸腾!盖世英雄的男儿气概却不失谈吐流露的智谋,特别是古典的文言文和令人动容的 “出处” (不清楚正确的名词)。

徐克电影 (2009)

其中有一幕,狄仁杰(刘德华)的造型让我的眼前一亮,我还暂缓播放中的电影,再回播 “端详” 一番,哈哈。惊艳!



 造型 1 (我爱 天后的两道眉~)
 造型 2 (可惜,找不着正面的图片)
 造型 3 (天后登基)
造型 4 (夜明珠的 “睡衣”)

“ 天意兆炯,我自独行


吴宇森 (2010)


这部电影让我记忆深刻的是主题曲,是由萨顶顶和吴青峰合唱 (苏打绿乐团),武打电影促成意想不到的火花~  

“ 佛陀阿难出家前,在道上见一美貌少女,从此爱慕难舍。 

佛祖问他 你有多喜欢那少女 阿难回答:

“ 我愿化身石桥,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



懵懵懂懂地 还处于2010年末的尾声,期待温馨圣诞的佳音和阳光小岛的假期 同时也是我们应该准备“脱缰”的预备工作了 - [可爱的毕业论文制作]!

第一个学期就是 毕业制作的关键时刻,可得步步为营!
第二个学期就是 实习的阶段
第三个学期就是 酝酿毕业的悲哀交错复杂的喜悦,叹~



Monday, November 22, 2010

my books

Books beside my bed ( Read before sleep)

Recently is reading collection of books from Matahari Publisher and thanks to my friend who lend me his New Malaysian Essays 2 for such a long time, he is the one who inspired me to start reading this "Genre" of book. It is really a new challenge for me and I love to take the challenge in order to be a better & wiser person. Why not?

I just manage to finish New Malaysian Essays 2 few days ago because it taken much of my time to look for the meaning of words (mostly don't understand) and digest the content of the author trying to express. Well, I should return the book to the owner too! Suddenly, I feel that all the book that I've always read before were redundant because those are self-enrichment or fiction which doesnt really gives me knowledge and broaden my mind. Probably thats why I found myself can finish reading a book fast before which mean I never put myself " more" to think and pick the mind  from the book instead of reading book that I can easily understand. Here comes the idea: Whats the point?

New Book! 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010



城市一片漆黑  誰都不能看見誰


我讓自己喝醉 沒有你我就不能入睡


我說過我絕對不會後悔 寂寞是被原諒的罪 喔~

愛情怎麼讓每個人都心碎 怎麼去安慰


妳的淚燙傷我的臉  從此就再也說不出 ...




Monday, November 15, 2010

Planet Radio 2010

I've to say the organiser was really thoughtful and sweet! Ok, I know Emanon Yin gonna complain how many time I want to repeat this again and AGAIN..... Hehehe!

Planet Radio Talkshow was an event held by Commercial Radio Malaysia consists of 19 radio stations in Malaysia all you can name it out and it was FREE! The objective of the talkshow is to provide the students the knowledge on how radio works and to know the function of people behind the scene, also gives an idea for those people who "think" they've the passion in radio whether it is really their cup of tea or not. For me, I think NOT   =)


Registration Counter

Venue: Taylor University (Lakeside Campus)

Taylor University just shifted to the new place here

This is only what people call University!

Itu lah me....

*   *   *   *   *   *

The talk show was divided into two session:

 " Rockin the airwaves as Radio Announcers"

Fabes (Fly Fm), Ean (Hitz Fm) & Jeremy (Red Fm)

In this session, the radio announcers shares their experience and Q&A session with the audience. My seat was directly straight to the direction of Ean, he is really Good Looking guy with muscle and slightly saw his tatoo on arm when he moves...... Wah ~

To be frank, I think what Fabes and Ean shares was much more convincing and can feel the grooving of their conversation just like listening to the radio, it was very pleasant and fun talkshow from them. Obviously, experience tells more than anything compare with Jeremy (still new and young) from Red Fm..... I've no idea who is he at the beginning, Oops!

Celebrities photo taking session (as always....)
Record your own "air time" and listen online

Gardenia's bread as breakfast for the participant

*  *  *  *  *  *

" Compliance in the Radio Industry"

Head of Sales- Laura (Suria & Red Fm), Production Engineer- Skeletor (Hitz Fm)
& Assis Manager of Engineering- Simon Lee (Media Prima)

In this session, they're sharing whats the scope of their respective work about from Marketing, Production to Broadcasting..... and you know what? I think Skeletor from Hitz Fm is DAMN freaking cool and of course, he has to be in my Facebook Fren List and it was already Done! Woots! Kinda of disappointed has no chance to take photo with him. No idea who is he still?

Check this out!!!

The remix of radio promo and Club Hitz music (Hitz Fm) that you normally hear
was done by Skeletor and the DJs!

Skeletor @ Kevin Isitor  (Clubs DJ)

Skeletor Scratching!

Thats was really cool and epic awesome! Most of the time, audience only get notice of the "celebrity-ly" announcer instead of the amazing production crews that play such important roles that keeps the airwaves Rock! Thats why Skeletor wins more of my attraction rather than Ean though he is kinda of cute, Blek!

*     *     *     *     *

Thoughtful organiser even prepare us lunch after the event.

How sweet is the chefs help serving us the food   ^^

Nasi goreng with curry and Lemon Tea as refreshment!

Like I said, Planet Radio is very very very thoughtful and lovely as they not only provide us food and free to attend the talkshow........


.... the T-shirt was too BIG for me on this planet

Planet Radio is an effort should be continue, channel giving knowledge and opportunity for those who have a dream in radio and rules the airwaves! To be true, radio announcer nowadays requiring MORE than amazing voice....   so as your "Appearance" or "Personal Unique" beyond the black box!

Good Luck for those who has a BIG DREAM in radio and pray hard that Planet Radio still always FREE and Lovely for the continuous year!!!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

陆川 可可西里

在 [ 鲁豫有约:说出你的故事- 镜头] 的书里,
陆天明的这番话让我省思  学电影最根本究竟是为了什么。

你光学会了什么是电影,电影是ABC, 永远不能导戏,
(才能)表达出你对人生对社会对人类的一个感觉.... ...”

 2004 年中国最瞩目的电影,可可西里 (陆川

                                                               - 陆天明


Monday, November 8, 2010

What Malaysia Needs

Pete Teo, The Producer of 15 Malaysia Short Film project.

What Malaysia really needs is YOU!