Friday, January 29, 2010

My Darling 10

Futuristic silver

Fuschia ....

Cozy grey

X'mas green~

Zebra stripe

**  Yeepie !!!  5 pairs of  Super short socks only for RM10.00  **


Red Heels @ Vincci : RM69.00

Roman' Flat Sandal @ Vincci: RM 24.50 (after 50% off)

Ballet' Elegant Shoe @ Momoe : RM 47.90 (after 20%)

I really Cant Help to Stop Buying S.H.O.E.S !!!
Loves all my shoes ~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2 mans

Is about the story of  2 mans.
I think there was misunderstanding between us, he is so cold to me. Thats really make me feel Sucks & Why? Maybe is not the right time to "clearify" about this issue yet... Hopes I didnt hurt or offend him as I really value this friendship Lots. He is such a nice guy for me jus there is always something I hav and Should bear in mind not to exceed the boundary....

emmm..... Soon,
I want to make thing clear, I will feel more comfortable with either black or white in Life ( x grey). I think we need sum talk, erm... quote from Charles Lai Yik Yu: 解铃还须系铃人 (好一句,一言惊醒梦中人!好!!!)

I think he doesnt really like me loh....
As chee said: He said that to every girl he met lah. ( Thats mean it doesnt bring any value on that words anymore) I think, Maybe I should jus forget about it and " Max utilise" my Single Life now....  Enjoy! Thats cool.

Make a Gf/Bf is definitely not like beli sayur at Pasar loh... ...
How much u sell for 1 kg of Love meh?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Deepest Condolences.

Condolences to Mr Luqman & family....
This was a shocking news for me and everyone who know him.

Hardly fall into sleep since yesterday after the phone, my mind was filled with the images of his young daughter.... with a heavy heart, the feeling of unbelievable and blank, you seem like dunno how to shed tears because is More more more than sad, suddenly you forget how to cry.

Cried in the class this morning when i told others about the black tidings and I dunno why am I so sad.... though actually i never met the decedent before. Just like the close one of your fren has passed away, because he is your fren and you deeply hopes he is alrite to hang in there. Especially when u know how romantic they were together & how much the parents loves their only daughter, yea....I knew it through his words all before. Everyone should feel envy....

Though the time we know each other wasnt that long, but was so disturbed to see this mischievous and nice man lost his beloved one without any pre-notification and there is no any foreknow in life. Everything happened was much too fast, it was definitely a sorrow for him.....

He is such a happy and lucky man who jus starting his family life with his beloved woman who goin to accompany him through the rest of the life,  now she has gone.
Left the lonely man and their 2 years old young daughter, I cant help to cry again and again when I think about this again. Chinese new year is around the corner, everyone suppose to be happy and ready to celebrate the day?!  Life is too short for her, when he just about to enjoy and have spend more time together. The happy family should be sweet and warm....

Hopes he would be alrite and hang in there, I know it was pain and it takes time.... .. maybe long time. May his daughter growth up healthy and happily, she is such an adorable girl....

Mr Luqman.....
my deepest condolences to you & beloved Nadirah.
Pls stay strong for you daughter....
I deeply sorry for your loss.

Take care.


A Cup of Coffee.
... and a Presentation from you, Awaiting ~  .... ...

许多想忘的回忆 把它一口喝下去

C.O.F.F.E.E 到底是什麽意义


旺福乐团- 咖啡恋曲

Friday, January 22, 2010

The 2nd new page

Time flies and wait no man.
I hav to believe and accept the fact that: I'm the year 2 broadcasting student now, OMG!

In this brand new semester, the courses we hav to take and assignment to be complete seem to be harder year over year. The difficulty of the assignment and preparation works need extra effort and More research to be done, and I start to feel like " An university student" now.

As usual, I hav been choosen as the leader of every single assignement group ( I glad to be ), though we had gone through some "hard time" when comes to the issue of choosing group member. This is the most "classic" and "tradisional" disaster has to face in every new semester and I Hate it!

This semester, I Hurted a girl.
Of course, I will definitely feel sorry to her as I'm not an animal without humanity, alrite?
Maybe u think I'm cruel to her and the words of Ey definitely means sumthing to me.... but it has to depends on who all those words he trying to defend for. Yea, I'm talking about "THAT GIRL" now....
I'm agree with Ey (partially), I admitted, I didnt gav her a chance to clearify her stand. Sorry about that.
Been cruel to her, I'm so sorry.

Anyway, she still doesnt deserve for my pity.
As I said, " If one person think you're wrong, maybe is their problem; If all the people think you're wrong, Thats' your problem".

I volunteer to be the Evil speaker and I know I'm sucks. Just go ahead if you want to hate me or curse me. If she ever can learn something from my "hurted", just hate me. I dun mind because I dun care about you. The accuse of Ey did make me feel guilty for my "silly" criticize, for a while. However, everyone has his own personal point of view, and To be true, he did offended me (a bit). I'm ready to take the risk after i decided to say all this. When your tears came too easy and too often, only start to make people feel disturbing.

My words for her would be the same as what I said that day: you will definitely deserve for a tissue from me (too proud) when I see something on you and I mean it;
Thanks for your reminding, Ey: I know everyone has their weakness (though feel suck from ur mouth)...
Hope your tears ABLE to awake you and make you a better person since you cried so much and so long.
Curse me lah, if you feel better in that way. Thank you.

                                                   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The another annoying thing about this new semester is....... There is NO any macho male lecturer ( the Indian old man cannot be counted because you guys said he looks like an ape, Opps!) I feel So dry and tired with the new semester without a "refreshing drug" as previous semester. Oh, thats is really sad loh. Plus, all the ladies lecturers wasnt that happening as well, i think I'm too hunger for a guy ( sound like a minx, LOL). Anyway, I still have to go for class as usual Everyday....

Assignment arh... assignment arh....  sigh~
Let's NIKE!

Ukraine's Got Talent 2009 Winner

She wons my tears for her talent.
The best ever talent I ever saw in Tv reality show !!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


短促的回家乡 7天,
只能是 那短短的一顿早餐;或是一杯茶的时间。

我享受那 赶着一摊又另一摊的约会。

我中学时的 甜美老友,Shing。
现在的她 已是心理学毕业的硕士生。在纽约留学的关系,能够见面的机会更是可遇不可求。
还记得 上一次见面的时候 已是1年前。
即将 去香港实习的Shing,
我们 下一次和 Chin Howe的 擂茶,为何年何日。

文艺团 相知相惜的舞伴们:诗蕊,淙淘和诗渝。(独缺 抱病的湘茹。)
Jase's Cafe 的相聚,是因为文艺团15周年庆祝会的派对实在太仓促又嘈杂了;
女生们相约再叙旧,聊聊彼此的近况 和见见 派对缺席的湘茹。
或许,我在她们里面年纪最轻;我有点不可置信的 感觉。。。。
女生在一起,话题自然离不开“男人”还有我们热爱的 舞蹈团~
原来和淙淘再见面 已是2年前的事,那时 我们还是充满 热忱的女生。
我只是觉得,大家 还可以因为舞蹈再相聚,是难能可贵的事情。
我们 对舞蹈的热忱 是爱在不言中。

王晶,依宁,淑芬,漂亮的施施还有 晓婷。

我真的是 不得不直呼“太神奇”了。
最妙的是 我还记得她们的名字(当然)!
那时的幼嫩的小女孩 如今已是亭亭玉立的 女人~
在外国留学的;还在本地学院念书的 还有已在社会打滚了 好几年的事业女性。。。。
大家 都选择了自己的前路,在各自的轨道上为自己所做的选择 做好自己的本分。
特别是 施施,或许是看得多 去过了大半个地球,
她,多了一份历练和成熟的韵味;那举手投足之间的 魅力。


当然,一定要meet meet 我在家乡“剩下”的2位中六同学:Ah Siang & Jennifer.(因为其他人都已经开学,回到西马德大学去了)
简易的早餐:家乡味的干捞面还有那烧米+浓郁熟悉的 老友。
可惜,没有和你们的合照;因为 我知道即将来临的新年时,我们必相见。

希望 你们快乐。

Thursday, January 14, 2010



让酒红色覆盖 过去泛黄的一丝一缕,重新。

所以,美容洗颜的时候- 按青春痘真的是很痛咯!
花了3个小时的等待,只为了 补1颗牙。

细心照顾自己,对自己好。因为自己永远不会遗弃 我!

从时尚杂志上所获得的资讯,很多名模(林志玲?)都在食用这个牌子的维他命C。我其实早在以前 在服饰店当 Sales Girl的时候,我们名流盛会的老板娘会 偶尔 买这个营养食品给我们吃。喝起来 微甜就好像和 橙汁一般,如果是冷水饮用超好喝的说;加强免疫系统又养颜美容。Redoxon在 各个时尚杂志 稍加留意 其实都有在 推荐。我要 水当当的肌肤!

* 10 Tablets for RM14.90/ 30 Tablets for RM69.90
(在各大 西药行可购得)

这其实 是我妈教我的啦。
一个人 在外地读书 有时候就得 要自己照顾自己。
特别是 喝凉茶 这回事,对不对?
不过,像我这种 懒惰的女人 就一定要 容易又快的才行。
除非 本小姐心情好的时候 才有时间和你慢慢 磨蹭。

就是 罗汉果凉茶啦!

我妈说 可治喉咙痛,咳嗽,平常时常 炖来喝也可“散热气”,马来西亚天气很热的咯~。超容易的,只要在饭锅里 添满半,锅水+驳壳后的 罗汉果种子,炖个30分钟。香气弥漫和颜色呈深 棕色的时候,就可以了!一定要趁热喝才好噢。喝起来是 甜中带点 苦涩味,不过凉茶通常都是这样的啦。

小颗 RM1.20/大颗 RM1.50
(在各大 中药行可购得)

美丽日记面膜 最近可是 红到荷兰去了!相信大家都一定不会觉得陌生。在夜市 更是处处可见,而且还卖的 超便宜的说!其实,我对也是卖的如此 低价的面膜有所保留。我实在 很好奇 这些贩卖者的 货源到底是否 就如他们所说来自批发商,之所以才可以卖得比市价低上好几倍。

我一向 对用在自己 身上的产品,特别是皮肤和贴身的衣物 都较为要求在 品牌和品质上。那些仿冒的涂抹 美容品可是会 对你的皮肤很伤的,我怕会烂掉。贴身衣物 也是最好 不要买 夜市的,卫生是关键还有 贴身的衣物是针对人类的身形特殊设计的,长期的使用 可能会 造成畸形的可能。我对 夜市的面膜实在 不敢恭维;直到 我去了马六甲后。

我在马六甲的夜市 买了10片我的美丽日记面膜,实在便宜的离谱而动心,才RM20! 平均1片才RM2,比起PJ这里的价钱更是 贱卖。试用结果是:仿冒品的面膜 较宽;而药行卖得 是较长。其他的分别是 便宜的面膜,它的精华比较稀,时常滴在我的桌子上。效果的话,相较之下其实 没有什么十分明显的差别;或许是 我没有怎么察觉和 并不是每天 勤力用面膜的人。这 只是个人心得啦。

其实我通常都是 买VIVI杂志,只是这本杂志真的是Best Selling,买完了!只好买Mina看看咯,结论是 买VIVI。哈哈。真的啦~ 

新年快来了,总要先做点功课,留意时尚的流行趋势是什么嘛。当然,我们不应该跟着 潮流的鼻子跑;建议认清楚 自己喜欢和舒服的个人穿着类型后,再添加一点时尚元素就可以了。要不然,你就是在这个城市里,另一个美眉的复刻般罢了。无聊。穿着打扮是重要的,无法否认这个时代的“人类”都是先敬罗衣后敬人。
*适当和适合 是关键,不要盲目跟随。


。。。告诉他,你的芳名 是
”(wink wink)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


我怎么会 有那种想法?我怎么 会发那种梦?!
。。。 我想 我是疯了我!


原来 一直是自己在演独角戏,

啊!我觉得 我好像 白痴啊!!!
我现在 真不知所措 该如何面对 你。

顿时 我的心情沉重;脑袋空白。
开始 沉默不语。
你问我 怎么了?
。。。 没事,我很好。
夜里睡不好 或许 噩梦是 一种警惕。

其实 你只是在看我笑话吗?
像那 花枝招展的孔雀 在炫耀美丽的羽毛;
帘幕 垂下后,
原以为 会博得赏识的掌声;换来的 只是你的 善良的讥笑。
那落力的 真心和对待,只是虚无的愚昧。

那 是失落还是 失望?
说说 现在的我 该如何面对你?
我是 心如止水。

其实 是我愚昧。
笑话也够了。我 早该知道的。

哀悼 我们的爱情

我们的 爱情,这 2年4个月又8天的 爱情。
谢谢 你的爱和 全心全意地 所有付出, 那是迷人的。

对不起 辜负了 那期待的将来。
我 也是 于心不忍。

残忍的 决心,
那门前 的深情亲吻;
我 笑着对你说 :小心驾驶哦。

看见你 满满的笑容离开。
    ~ 我们最后的拥吻 那般苦涩 和悲痛。

谢谢你成全了 我的自由。
饶恕 我的自私。


* 请 为我们的爱情 哀悼 。

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Usher the 2010

We have to come out with some programme lah...
New Year eve boh.
How about a cozy and warm celebration at Home, Ladies?

Lets Do this... .... ermm

How about  A Nice Dinner~

ABC Soup with Whatever you want inside

Spicy Chicken. Hot! Hot! Hot! (Prepared byWindy)

"Turtle bean" wit Ikan Bilis..... cant easy anymore by Me~ wink.

Ginger Steam Big Prwan... yummy~ (Prepared by Windy)

Thanks to Cherrie who makes me the dessert: Tang Yuan. I Love Tang Yuan!

"Romantic" Night Swim~

That night was full moon...

ok lah...wasnt that romantic lah. Jus another swim :p

Watched Firework with Heineken (Bottle) at my condo Roof Top.

Happ New Year * 2010*

Cheers !!! Baby~

May I'm wiser and Happier in this Brand new year....&
~ you too ..... : ).

Heavenly Blessed.. I did had a great time with you girls, thanks CienYie, Windy & Cherrie ....

Quaintly Christmas

We 18 persons travelled to Malcaa on the X'mas Day and I hav to say was definitly a wrong decision.
The small Malacca town was crowded and Hates traffic jam. Especially when the Malacca Town bus was Rusty and Hot, OMG! Just like my hometown bus, Lousy!

Anyway, Thanks to Sukie who is leading the "Tour Group" and I knew her has make lots of effort in this trip. Thanks, Sukie. You was a attractive and capable leader, " I See You" :)
Though I'm not from Malacca but it can be consider as my 2nd home now. As most of their volume of activity are concentrated, u can reach within walking distance. Good!

This is the 2nd times I travelled to Malacca and it will definitely a place where I wish to visit again. I Like Malacca. I start to miss the food over there now.... Oh hhh ..

 Beloved~ Nyoya Laksa

 Beloved~ Baba Laksa

Beloved ~ Durian Cendol

I have the opportunity to visit Malacca museum this time and there are LOTS of museum. The name of Historical State cant be true anymore. Haha. Anyway, is really quite Bored. However, I able to know Malacca better now indeed. So, Go Museum whenever u visit a new place * ahem*

The Outlook of St Paul Hill

The Inner Look of St Paul Hill

The A Famosa

The most disappointed thing would be We failed to visit Portuguese Settlement this trip to Malacca. Portuguese Settlment, which well known with their beautiful X'mas decoration and most of them were christian resident. As we were in too big group and trasportation problem, we decided to give up to go. sigh~


I able to make a new fren from Morroco, Abderh (actually I cant really pronounce his name until now yet) at the dormitory. We shared lots about the culture between Our country and them. And was so sad to know that he thinks " Malaysian are robots". Errrmm..... People dont greet to the foreign frens and of course not even aming Malaysian themselves. Thats is how he told me.

Asian Culture, is all I can comment.
Yea, The Culture Different :)

There are 2 Desserts which we will surely go for it every single time to Malacca and you Must try if you were there next time.

                                  The Layer Cake from Nedeja Cake House @ Dataran Merdeka
  The Various Flavour Tart from Tart Tart House..... ( Strongly recommend : Portuguese Tart, Crispy!)

Well, If you want to visit Malacaa next time.... 
Tell me, thats my territory now.
wink wink~

Ring~ Ring~
Beca is coming !!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


我也不知道 该怎么形容。那种百般滋味 郁闷的压在 心头,闷闷的 好像有点呼吸困难般 不舒服。

假期很空虚;心情 很复杂;理智和感情的 天人交战。妈的!楼上的 住客干嘛要在这时 专修 钻个屁啊!烦死了,恨!!!

这真是 世纪上最难 下的决定。我觉得我好像 已经想清楚了;可是 到了 这个关键时刻 又 好像 犹豫不决 开始动摇 再 反复自问。我也不知道 我自己也不肯定 到底想怎样。我只知道 此刻的我 心头被压得 喘不过来,很辛苦 想大骂 或是 想 洒脱得跳进 水里,想大喊大叫。我不能。

才发现 原来我最 需要一双耳朵 听我的时候,搜寻了手机的电话簿 竟没有那种 朋友的存在。我真是 可悲。以为 那唯美的是最好的;原来唯美也并不会是 最适合的。毕竟 不同就是 不同,所以 我开始觉得 十分别扭,很别扭。想得不一样;看的也不一样;我太 天真了。挣扎,那百般滋味 开如何是好?或许 一开始 就不应该 一头栽下去。其实 我好像 没有这种 本事 啃下这段。

好像人类哦。越来越像 那凡尘庸俗的人类,假象!可 从未 说自己是 唯美,只是我一直 愚昧的 供奉。很失望。接下来 该怎么做?怎么 想?

难 难难。复杂。从没想过 竟会是 那“人类”般的完美;连我自己都 无法相信 到最后的 是这样的 完结篇。该信 不该信? 该继续还是 停留? 似乎投契 却又使 格格不入;啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
我应该 在属于自己的轨道里 行驶;当 延长行驶的时候,我不知道该怎么办了。
究竟是丰富 了阅历还是 超出了负荷?

那些话 又是怎么一回事?乱了 乱了。我现在 乱了,乱了方寸 该用多少 尺寸大小的我 来面对你;那种 款式的我 才可以保护自己 同时对你 真心,我的朋友?你真是 不可猜测 那般 善变。那灰色 地带 没有 路牌;没有指引。我现在 站在 多叉路口;暴风雨的日子 快来 在我身后 咄咄逼人了。我还 静止不动,因为 我还在想,还在摸索。给我时间,但 现在 更需要 氧气 氧气 氧气!!! 多一点 再多一点!

让我 想想。
我还 犹豫。

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My X'mas eve


* Baskin Robbins Ice- Cream *

Thanks to Ah Bear for the warm x'mas dinner at T.G.I Friday which cost you a lots, I appreciate it : )
* Darm Expensive and Full HOuse (Luckily we make reservation few weeks before~)

Ultimate Hawaiian Volcano  ( + Vodka )

Ultimate Lights of Havana

Appertizer- Southwest Shrimp Cocktail

Appetizer-Sesame Jack Chicken Strips

Main Course- Chicken & Shrimp Diablo

Main Course - Roasted Turkey ( Necessary in the menu of X'mas, wink wink~)

Dessert- Mocha Mud Pie

Mini Dessert- Snicker Treats (Choco) & Strawberry Parfait


** Snowing at Pavillion ~ Jingle Bell Jingle Bell iIngle Bell Rock....... **

Happening Place, Bukit Bintang- The Crowd was quite Scary since early of the night.

How if this is kind of demonstration of our country, that would be Terrible and OMG! Most of them, of course mostly were young people and they started to "spray" around since early though hasnt hit 12 am yet.....  Well, they were definitely peoples who make use this golden chance to earn more money: 3 for RM10! 3 for RM10! (Snow Spray) and few people who start to lost control of themselves. I saw a group of foreign young guys were chasing and busy spraying people around though thier trousers was actually falling down till almost shows their "complete" piece of brief....  I enjoyed myself and hav lots of fun in the crowd as it was a exciting and unique experience for me, 1st ever. However, I couldnt totally put myself to the max in as I hav to always be caution with my own personal belonging. Who knows who is the next pick pocket beside you, it could be everyone around u there..... and There was a man got catched who trying to steal that night....

* Merry Christmas!!!*

So.... Who is going to clean all this then?

 My eyeliner already smudge after been sprayed

My hair was totally a Disaster!

It was a great experienced spent the my 1st christmas eve at Bukit Bintang (Legend Happening Location) KL. The countdown was actually quite disappointed as there was no ppl leading or even the crowd also didnt "counting" out loud when hits 12am..... Only the loud symphony of Orchestra start to play which couldnt even move on the street surrounded by the crowd.

The police man, of course felt absolutely hates with this "silly countdown" event after all but the people refused to go away yet..... Kemudian itu, He fired the gun to the sky as a warning: You Should Dismiss NOW!

* Merry Christmas to you, Mr Police Man!*