Sunday, November 30, 2014



1.雪肌精洗顏石Facial Essence Soap



1296 yen = 大約馬幣 RM40


2. Sugao Air Fit CC Cream
東京藥妝店注明是國内銷售第一的CC Cream(很多產品都是第一,都不知道到底誰是真正的第一),選擇的色系不多衹有3種。過後不久又推出了Moist Air Fit CC Cream。




 3. Lu Lu Lun Everyday Mask

1500 yen = 大約RM45 (42枚)

4. Suisai Beauty Clear Powder 酵素洗顏粉



700 yen = 大約 RM21



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Yamamoto Dental Clinic (Tokyo)

If you happen to have a toothache problem during your travel or short stay in Tokyo, I would love to recommend you to Yamamoto Dental Clinic(山本歯科医院)located in front of Higashi-Nagasaki Station (東長崎駅)

During my 2 months stayed in Tokyo, I was living in Shiinamachi (椎名町)with my boyfriend. We often ride our bicycle around to explore, eat, exercise or buy staffs..... and that's how I found Yamamoto Dental Clinic nearby our place! I'm a typical gaijin (外人)who can't speak Japanese at all, an English speaking doctor will be necessary for me but the cost would be definitely extra more. The reason I would like to try and visit Yamamoto Dental Clinic was because their signboard is in English, surprisingly the dentist can actually speak a little bit of English which enough for us to understand each other with the assistance of slide show and dental guide book in few language in order to understand the problem facing by the patient.

The dentist and staffs were very friendly and polite (of course, they're Japanese!!!) espcially the male dentist. He pointing out the question of his concern in the guide book and I answered him back by pointing the option in A, B or C....... So cool !!! He suggested me to do a 360 Paranomic x-ray to identify my problem then give me consultation about the process of treatment by playing me a slideshow and explained in much patient. The treatment requires 2 appointment to be complete because I've two deep cavity which give me so much pain. I make an appointment with the receptionist and surprisingly the consultation (including x-ray) is all free! Comparing seeing dentist back in Malaysia, every single thing charge from consultation, full mouth check, x-ray and of course the treatment.....

The first treatment took me nearly 2 hours to remove the the tooth cavity and mould for the filling for 2nd treatment. My dental treatment cost for two deep cavity (filling) is total 10,000 yen (which is around RM300+) and I don't have to pay anything only when the treatment is completely done.

Unfortunately, I've to go back to Malaysia in last minute before my second appointment. So, I visited to the clinic to request any possibility for earlier treatment but the appointment is all full. My in-charge dentist thinks is okay for me to do the filling back in Malaysia and they refused to accept of my payment for the first half treatment because they think they haven't got their job done. OMG! I'm so so so so impressed by their professional and attitude.
The male dentist shaked my hand and two other staffs bow to me when I'm about to leave (though I'm not paying). The dentist let me to introduce friends or when I need any treatment if I happen to be back in Tokyo, please come and see him again. I've to write about this dental clinic on my blog because their services is Excellent, Professional, Reasonal Price and SOOOOOO Friendly, can't be better anymore.

Yamamoto Dental Clinic (next to a drug store)

How to get there
Take Seibu Ikebukuro Line (西武池袋線) and get off at Higashi-Nagasaki Station (東長崎駅)




入住釜山民宿的第2天,我記得又是下着雨的清晨。我坐在地板上望着窗外苦惱着無處可去,這時一位睡眼惺忪,頭髮鬆散手握牙刷的男子從 Male Dormitory 走出來,看著我說:“你是從馬來西亞來的?” 我錯愕了幾秒后,然後回答 “是啊”。

釜山較著名的觀光景點都在戶外,我能夠逗留在釜山的時間有限,卻偏偏又遇上連續下雨天,實在百般無奈。惺忪男沒有規劃的行程,就算有在這雨天也無處可去。民宿老闆 Kim 建議我們不如結伴去釜山博物館,至少我們認為會比水族館有趣。就在 Kim 熱心幫我們搜索相關資料的時候,我們發現當天是博物館的休假日。結果,Kim 熱心地幫我們在網絡上訂購水族館的門票(較便宜)往海云台出發。

在前往海云台方向的地鐵上,我問惺忪男我們素未謀面,他怎麽知道我是從馬來西亞來的?原來他是從另一位同住在民宿的加拿大住客 C.T 哪裏得知關於我的存在。話説,在我入住 Kim's House 的第一夜,在C.T 的盛情邀約下在 Kim 推薦附近的餐館一起共用過晚餐。


眼看時間還早,依然還是下著雨又冷,我們在附近購物中心裏的一間咖啡屋落腳歇歇,喝杯熱飲取暖。惺忪男掏出了I-Phone 5 手機和我分享他在臺灣一個月旅行的照片,特別是關於吃的,他的眼神是閃爍着,語調就會稍稍提高。“你看,這個影片裏的隊伍是多麽的長就為了買這個吃的。” 我們研究着釜山的觀光地圖、我們交換了LINE 的賬號、我們各自悄悄地把腳從濕漉漉的鞋子裏伸出來透透氣,慢慢得等待外面的雨停,慢慢地喝完我們的飲料。

返回民宿的路上,經過超商的我們買了檸檬和蜜糖回去泡着喝,免得身體着涼和生病。洗過熱水澡,我們舒服地背靠在民宿客廳的泰式三角枕,看著聼不懂的韓文節目,在依然下着雨的晚上喝着熱乎乎的Hot Honey Lemon。


Kim's House (Busan)
Kim and me ^^
6 Female Dormitory

Highly recommend to stay at Kim's House if you happen to visit Busan and looking for an accommodation which is quiet (located inside resident area) but short walking distance away from the crowded area and subway station. It is Cheap, Clean, Cozy feel like at home and Friendly Mr Kim!
Nearest Subway Station Near: Daeyeon Station Exit 5

987-62 Daeyeon 1Dong Namgu Busan Korea
Busan, South Korea 608-811
Phone+82 10-5510-4422

Busan Aquarium (Korea's Largest Ocean Themed Park)

You can get cheaper entrance ticket in only 15,000 KRW (normal price 24,000KRW) online purchase in their Korean website. Yes, only when you can read Korean or ask a Korean to help you.
Haeundae Station (Busan Subway Line 2, Exit 5)
Walk 600m towards Haeundae Beach
266, Haeundaehaebyeon-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan 
부산광역시 해운대구 해운대해변로 266 (중동)


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Journey of Jeju Island——my korean manager

On the first day of my arrival at hostel, manager looks restless when he found out I can barely understand what he said in korean. I'm feared too, I can't imagine what kind of life I'm gonna go through for the coming days here.
Because of my limits in korean, I need to be train from morning till night 8 days in a row before I can start working with payment. Furthermore, our 2 other colleagues will need to go back M'sia for certain period, by then will be only me and my manager running the hostel for ONE MONTH before their return...... OMG!  
When we only have each other...
During that 1 months working closely with my manager (we can rely on no one else), I tried my best to communicate with him with limited korean, google translate, dictionary, pictures even video especially when come to explain the problem faced by our guests staying here. Working as a receptionist here at the hostel....

During morning shift (7:30am to 2:30pm) I need to:
1. Prepare simple breakfast for our guest
2. Reply (many) mails
3. Answer phones (Manager answered the phone most of the time because I couldn't speak!)
4. Running upstair to ask our elderly cleaner aunty what she wants for lunch today
    (before we can order)
5. Provide tourist information
6. Taxi tour translation
7. Handling all kind of guest's issues that you can and can't think about it!
8. Do room control and guest list

Bread, Coffee and Tea!
Our Pantry
During afternoon shift (2:30pm to 10pm) I need to:
1. Do room check after cleaning
2. Make sure everything is organized in kitchen
3. Reply (many) mails
4. Check in for guests
5. Going to buy breads, jam and etc for next day breakfast at nearby e-mart supermarket at 5:10pm every evening
6. Brain storming what to eat for dinner
7. Handling all kind of guest's issues that you can and can't think about it!   
8. Provide tourist information for their next day plan
9. Do room control and guest list
10. Waiting for check in guest (forever waiting till midnight sometimes)
11. Never end social and drinking session with guests at the pantry nearly everynight!!!

Room Check
Make sure everything is ready in the room 
Social time, after 10!
I'm really exhausted during that one month when only two of us doing EVERYTHING without break or off in between from morning till night. I've to admit my manager is really a Superman because he is the bell boy, technician, room cleaner, driver, front desk manager and also comedian! Frequently, when he get too tired but couldn't rest, he tends to become extra hyper and starts to demonstrate me all kind of sport action which looks SO SILLY YET HILLARIOUS that I couldn't stop laughing. I guess that's how the way we survived through those hard time together, and that also the moment we built trust and get to know each other better. In fact, he wasn't really that scary tho!

my first polaroid with guests from Hong Kong
my first photo with manager and petit guest from China :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Journey of Jeju Island— 重新认识马来西亚人的价值

在外头"鬼混"了3个月, 在身体状况和财力(国外医疗)不允许的状况之下, 匆匆买了飞机票打道回府。原订半年的流浪之旅, 无奈提前结束。
离家在韩国济州岛的一家民宿打工, 在柜台帮客人check in, 提供当地的旅游资讯和 One Stop Guest Problem Solving Center..... 在济州岛, 中国游客几乎占了岛上人口的50%, 接下来就是新马, 台湾, 香港 和欧洲游客。马来西亚人掌握多种语言的能力在这小小的民宿里时常得到游走在国际虚线旅人们的赞叹和神化!
我们说中文的能力足以应付中国(大量),台湾和马来西亚的游客; 马来文可以应付我们的马来同胞和印尼的游客; 粤语可以应付香港的游客, 英文就应付新加坡和欧洲国家的游客, 自然还有本人有限的韩文来应付大量的韩国游客! 不少游客对大马人能够说中文这回事充满了疑惑, 在耐心地向对方解释 (大略介绍马来西亚)后, 游客们给我们贯上了"语言机器"的美誉。
Family from Taiwan

Selina from China
Simon from France
因为这次的(打工)旅游经验, 让我有机会重新认识自己身为马来西亚人民自身的价值。我们一直或许一辈子生活在舒适的井底里, 殊不知我们自己已经麻木的呱呱声在世界的耳朵里听来竟是天籁。关于我们在这片土地上活着的身份, 至少确实存在着我们可以依具的认知标签。我想, 世界上只有大马华人才会生成这样, 对唄?
我一直都以身为马来西亚人为荣, 这次在外头转了个圈, 让我更加珍惜这份blessed gift which speaks our identity. 


Saturday, April 26, 2014


What is your goal to achieve?

12 Dec 2013, I got my ticket to the new chapter of life --To Korea!
My ideal plan was to spend 3 months time in Korea then depart to NZ for next working holiday, unfortunately I can't get myself a seat this year, hopefully 2015. Why Korea? No other special reason, simply whenever allow me to get away from where I am now  (sick with concrete jungle), ANYWHERE I DO!

After long waited for about 4 months, I'm ready to fly TOMORROW!!!
Of course there is preparation works for these 3 months (maybe longer) journey away from home....

1. Get myself a Backpack
:: As the time I'm leaving is also my birthday month, my uni old schoolmates share partial of the total amount as my birthday gift. Thank You, Guys!

Buy here if you're interested (only available purchase online):

Forclaz Ultralight 50 QUECHUA

Farewell & B'thday Gathering 2014

2. Switch to Prepaid (Digi)
:: I was using postpaid line for telco services but I found out it only allow temporary suspension for max 2 months. You need to call to telco customer service line to active back (charges RM10) and suspend again for the next 2 months. Ok, this definitely sound stupid for someone overseas for more than 2 months. So, I visited to telco service center and change a new sim card (switch prepaid with same number) where you only need to subcribe super long life plan (1 year validity period) in RM30.

3. Find a Car Park
:: 在吉隆坡,寸土是黃金。The average rental for a car park lot in KL range between Rm130-RM180 monthly (yes, Is EXPENSIVE to own a car here). How much I need to save for a parking fees during the time I'm not in the country, NO NO NO. It absolutly doesn't worth the money to pay, luckily I've a friend who do not have a car but car park! With little amount RM60 paid (one off) for a parking access car, I can park my car at villa here as long as I want, anytime I want. Thousand thanks to my lovely friend, Kenneth!


Quiet & Cozy Home

More Coming! 

Friday, March 28, 2014



(一) 所以,你認識很多明星咯?那你認不認識XXX或YYY?
(二) 哦,所以你是在NTV7 (或其它他們所認識範圍的電視臺)做工啦?







此刻你腦海中浮現的明星是誰呀? 哈哈哈

(二)不,我的雇主並不是你所認識的任何一間電視臺(除了A公司例外)。簡單來説,你口中的電視臺是我們的客人,他們擁有一筆預算然後尋找市面上的製作公司(Production House) 來拍一部作品,之後在自家經營的電視臺播放。本地影視製作這一行,多年來作業基礎還不是很穩定,所以市面上多數的製作公司都是聘請自由業者。這麽說吧:Production House接到了一個項目,就會開始“呼朋喚友”(熟悉或常合作的)一個製作團隊,從freelance的導演、攝影師、化妝師,服裝師、甚至到司機都是自由業者。各別的我們爲了同一個Project而聚在一起,各別的我們也因爲這個單一Project完成而分離。雖然如此,卻也是讓我覺得最美妙的地方——認識新朋友!

(三)嗯,Yes and No。我是電視製作幕後工作者,不是明星。不過,偶爾也會客串一下啦。有些戲份臨時需要幾位路人甲、乙、丙走過的時候;有時候,Casting部門安排了不適合的人物來演繹的時候;有時候導演的天馬行空想要加入幾朵綠葉的時候。有時候,我在看本地製作的作品時,會情不自禁噗嗤笑出來.....因爲你曾經合作過的道具師突然之間在熒幕上冒出來變成了被捕的大婬蟲,或是熟悉的服裝師變成了潑婦罵街的肥婆,甚至製作人還變成了綁匪!我呢?嗯,小女子曾經在《羽過天晴》的大結局客串過異國酒莊的老闆娘~



(五)大致上來説,我不需要每天去公司。就是不喜歡朝九晚五的生活,才會選擇了這個瘋狂的職業:長,很長的工作時間;長,也很長的假期。Is all about time, anytime!

(六)關於薪金嘛,就要看Project和公司的Budget而異。在影視製作的行業裏,我們沒有固定的工作崗位(有些人固定地選擇做相同的崗位)。打個比方,連續劇需要有場記的這個角色;但電視節目就沒有這個崗位必要的貢獻。不過,以本地市場的價錢來説,初出茅廬投身于這一行的畢業生薪金大約是RM1,800起跳(雖然我曾經有朋友離譜的祇有RM1,200的薪金),當然經驗越豐富的話,價錢也會跟著上升大約在RM2,500之RM3,500 (2至3年資歷)左右不等。

*以上薪金範圍以月計算,僅作參考 (短期的拍攝通常以日薪計算)。


(八)老兄,我的家鄉在東馬咧!在這個大城市裏,我們這一行尚可苟且殘喘,如果還想繼續過著這種不羈的生活,回去家鄉也只能有種kangkung的份吧。不~不~不~  過幾年,我們再説這個吧! 嗯。

Monday, March 24, 2014

2014 | 新樂章


在音樂活動上,認識了從事Creative Line的朋友繼而開始鼓勵我繼續文字上的delivery。因爲這種推動力,所以重新整理了貓茶棧再出發(希望我不會三天打魚兩天曬網),待我出國后的日子,也好在這裡留下生活的蛛絲馬跡。

一直夢想的日子已站在我的門前等候,此刻我就在門後耐性地等待時間的到來;離開這片生活了25年的土地,暫時告別Nasi Lemak和Curry的悠悠幾個月,迎接Kimchi的入贅。我選擇在今年度過26嵗生日后的兩個星期后出發,當作是自己送給自己夢寐已久的生日禮物——“一段流浪的日子”。我想我會愛上2014年,如我弟形容就像一只沒有腳的鳥不停地飛翔,適逢妹妹的婚禮必須在11月回國后,12月又是朋友在泰國島嶼的另一樁美事,順道和老同學在異地慶祝聖誕節!

