Tuesday, May 10, 2011


在我们前往观赏陈翠梅的最新作品 无夏之年 Berkelana 的路上, Jason 愤愤不平地说:“他妈的,我在色情片的地方找到蔡明亮的片。” 他表达的语气不禁让我笑出来。

我接触蔡明亮的第一部电影是“ 天边一朵云 ”让我为之惊艳,大胆使用情欲和性爱场面却不失故事情节所要表达内敛和细腻的感觉。当然还有众所周知蔡明亮喜爱的长镜头和述说生活里面小人物的故事。我喜欢的是他作品里的那份真实感。


[天边一朵云] A片男演员李康生的“工作”。

[天边一朵云] 爱情或是面包?

[天边一朵云] 当她难过的无法自己歇斯底里地大哭,小康似乎用情欲的肉体在安抚她。

[你那边几点] 深深地思念往生的丈夫,只能在自慰中幻想丈夫的宠爱。

蔡明亮最近期的作品,脸Visage 是受法国罗浮宫的邀请以电影诠释罗浮宫以透过影像的符码传递全世界。脸,以达文西的名画“圣施洗约翰”和“莎乐美 Salome ” 的故事为题。如果你不懂这其中的构思,肯定看得一头雾水。



[脸Visage] 人和鬼魂之间通过画面巧妙地表达。

[脸Visage] 不愿离去的妈妈(鬼魂)吃豆花的这幕让人心酸。

[脸Visage] 在黑暗中靠着打火机微弱的火光诠释两人的缠绵和暧昧,赞!

[脸Visage] 女主角身扮成莎乐美向剧中的导演求爱。




Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Documentary: The Myth and Islam

Besides of MCP, we also have to come out with SCP (Single Camera Production) which is part of our Final Year Project as well- Documentary. We were struggling between topic "The Development of 3D" or "Pontianak" at the beginning and the group members cast their votes for " the woman"- Pontianak. Even though this production was in smaller group with 9 members, everything doesn't goes smooth as planned initially. We encountered the difficulties to reach the interviewee we wanted to interview with and conflict also raised among ourselves later.

It was really sad to see the conflict happened among us, of course, we were awkward after all. We are losing direction and uncertain with what we're doing, thats why we were stress and restless while rushing to meet the deadline of other assignments at the same time. It was a bloody killing session! To be frank, I was disappointed with few others group member that never show concern or offering help on this documentary when it is actually THEIR final year work as well, I thought. Without proper communication, the conflict happened when no ones is questioning and asking about the progress of documentary and everyone else seem like dying with own assignment in silent. I feel contrite to my producer with over question on the progress of documentary and irritated her so much in the end. In anyway, I'm thankful for her effort and contribution to the production as well. That day, I saw her tears were rolling in the eyes... .. 

Everyone has their own way on handling thing, for me, I would love to talk face to face.Sometimes, most of the time, people hardly hear about your efforts in silent. OR maybe, I'm more demanding person in other saying. Hmmm... There are two important lesson I gained from this experience, Leadership and Communication. Since I've talk about the communication problem earlier, maybe I can share some of opinion on leadership from this production. My director is a gentle and extreme friendly lady, not even that, she is showing her potential in production start from production last year... and I believe she will be even outstanding person equipped with ability on decision making, A Leader. The thought and decision as an leader is important for a production team, because lacking of confident and uncertainty will greatly affect the progress of production. When you've the ability to be in the position, there is no doubt that people have certain level of confident on you by putting you in that place, isnt? For me, I think every production is an opportunity to learn moreover skill, but also knowing yourself better. So, whats your gain in this experience? It is definitely not merely A Production spent you a fortune thats all.   

Ayam Kampung

Pisang Goreng treated by Orang Kampung

In the few previous posts in my blog, my coursemates bought me a cake written with "Cik Pontianak" on it during my birthday. Well, I was supposed to act as Pontianak in the initial storyline and we've already shooted the footages! The storyline changed entirly considerate from the aspect of our topic and avoiding ludicrous when watching a familiar face of me! (reduce the impact of realistic in screen). Espcially thanks to our junior, Kahmun for lending the baju kebaya that I'm wearing for shooting purpose.

Frankly speaking, I was quiet stress on this documentary production because there are people with expectation out there on our work. In this production, I've consulted with one of our lecturer Mr Luqman Lee with his knowledge on this topic and he hopes to screen our work during his class as reference for malaysia's topic study. Besides that, the author of 120 Malay Movies Amir Muhammad (Director) also requesting to screen on his exhibition too. I'm so glad for the opportunity and the expectations on us, however, I hope they wouldn't feel too disappointed after seen our student work to their standard....

The topic on Pontianak was inspired by the book that I've read ( not finishing yet, ohh...) and I found interesting to do something about her since we're limited to Malaysia's topic as well. There is a scene in the storyline (Initial) adopted from the book that acted out by me, it suppose to be "see" like this: 

A bloke says of a passing Cantonese-speaking Chinese woman:
 "Kalau dia pontianak, aku paku tengkok dia dengan paku, kahwin.
(If she's a pontianak, I will drive a nail into the back of her neck, and marry her)"

To which she replies in Malay,
"Macam mana kau tahu aku bukan pontianak?"
 (How do you know I'm not a pontianak?) 

                                                                          -120 Malay Movies, p.129

Perhaps when you're reading my post, you've no idea what Pontianak is and about?
Let me clear your doubt by watching our Final Year Project,
Documentary: The Myth & Islam.  

Production Crews

Producer: Poon Sook Yee
Director : Pang Wan Yee
Assistant Director: Catea Tan
Production Manager: Lee Hong Hui
Lighting Director: Daniel Lee Yun Rhui
Camera Operator: Liu Win Gian
Audio Engineer: Kumutha Devi
Set Designer: Phua Eng Yee
Floor Manager: Loke May Rong
Continuity Secretary: Loke May Rong
Cast Director: Kumutha Devi

Online Editor: Pang Wan Yee
Offline Editor: Liu Win Gian
Graphic Designer: Phua Eng Yee

Especially thank to
Narrator: Luqman Lee