Tuesday, June 30, 2009


妈的! 我真的是忍无可忍!就算长的再高,容忍的脾气也是会有极限的。不要把人家当傻瓜,他奶奶!真是 FUCK!


现在简直就像把键盘给炸了!我看起来想白痴?还是像弱智? 本来不想提,想在搞屁啊,一个两个都给我冲着来,操他妈的xx!

骂完了;生气够了;爽了吧?!就来给我假惺惺的道什么歉?!你骂完了,你发泄完了,你爽了!就来和我说一声 “ 开玩笑” ?! 世界上的事情有这么好康的吗?!

你现在给我打骂一顿,让我发泄够力后! 骂到我有气无力后,骂到你眼泪飙。。。我再给你 “ Say Sorry, 可以吗? 我刚才开玩笑的啦! ”


做错事,给人训,我当之有愧也不敢给你吭一声。现在,妈的!!!! 我现在放火烧死你全家还是和你男朋友有一腿?!需不需要这样啊!!!!!欠你的meh?!!!!!!!!!


法克 这些人!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cant get my eyes off you

6:04pm, I am standing at the 6th floor corridor, looking down the sky blue swimming pool.

 A foreign little boy with fair skin & big eyes from this condominium attracted my attention and locked my eyes on him for quite some while. He is so adorable 5-6 years old kid who wearing a black tiny swimming trunk, with a green goggles on his head and orange life rings on both of his arm.

This cutie looks so happy and a lots of smile on his face, he is walking around and around the “D” shape kid’s swimming pool, kicking at the water. By looking at him, I feel good and manage to forget temporary all those complicated stuff from school & suck social life in me.

I admired this little kid, I wish to be like him but I know I can’t. When I come over university life, I found many stress and more & more complicated relationship problem among my friends. I feel suck and so bad on this, I always have to be aware and alert whenever I stepped in this hell social circle. I felt so big contrast and silly of me, as this adorable kid is walking over and over again along the swimming pool without any purpose, without practice any trick thinking, but you know what, his smile and innocent touched deep inside my heart and bring happiness to all the rest at the swimming pool. Can you see how incredible this little buddy is? Oh my gosh~

He made me realized and understand, no matter how terrible, complicated and suck life we having now; maybe we are getting into a horrible and fuck relationship now, but why we always love to  let ourselves get into those meaningless & stupid matter?!

There is nothing can’t even better & wonderful to be SIMPLE. Give yourself a sec to breath and think nothing but starring, Please restart your mind and clarify all those” life excretion” unnecessary.




My dear friend who is reading this blog, please – Be Simple. Let this world fulfill with more happier and beautiful things~ Remember, SIMPLE!




What PIE were you?


如果你想要得到你想要的,就得耍心机,先下手为强;要不然就是你得比别人更强。这是我经历大学的两个学期,学到的人生课。劲不劲?我只是有很多很多的无奈,我的无奈多得可以从地球到月球来回排列数万遍。大团体里的分派再分派,请不要不相信或许你的“派”里,也有谋杀 你的朋友,或许她是甜美的apple pie;  也可能是温柔的strawberry pie。虽然你一直都相信和信任,从来不曾怀疑过。

我一直都相信也不疑有它。既然我们是朋友,我十分愿意和你将心比心。即使你曾经让我感到难过,当我在6楼主人房里的床上独自黯然泪下;隔天,我还是依旧笑脸和你聊得开心,纵使隐藏绷布下溃烂的伤口还是积着淡黄色的浓疤。  我还是依然相信你,我可以说服自己这些所有让我难过的事情,你是有不得已的苦衷和无奈的理由。因为我们是朋友。虽然想说的话已经在喉咙,但最后我还是咽回去,因为我想到更远的以后;我也可以想像你难以启齿的表情。

如果有一天,你用心机打造的匕首用力插在我赤裸的胸口,就好像处女膜一样血淌流如注;我只会笑自己笨,为何要那么坦诚,掏心掏肺的讲什么狗屁感情;再极端一点,或许不应该再继续相信人,将我的手机铃声换成王力宏的“ 摇滚怎么了?- What’s wrong with me?”.


世界上只有懒女人,没有丑女人; 那么擅于装版的人,是否最美丽?这是一个值得思考的人生课题。闲着无聊发呆时想想吧。

我在assignment group里时常扮演坏女人的角色,同时也自认是一个懒惰的女人;因为我怕麻烦,不想为那些无谓的琐事来浪费我的精力,拜托!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Old Town . 浓浓人情味

IPOH 火车站
“ 非主流” 的聚集地- 东区
The night is still Young... 饮茶?(Breeze cafe)
Old Town White Coffee 首创第一家
家家户户为供奉预备的神台 (浓厚道教色彩)
道地美食- 芽菜鸡
谢谢,Sukie (中) 的招待。 Appreciate it ~
怡保 绝世 香饼
美味 鱼蛋
大树脚 的 粉
谢谢 陈妈妈的温柔晚餐
Pasar Malam 锅饼
Ipoh 小吃~ Ampung balik

再次感谢我亲爱的2 位 coursemate,Sukie & Cherrie 的热情招待。

Thank you for providing me shelter, transportation, and play role as tour guard, appreciate it !

Thank you 陈妈妈 的丰富晚餐 和陈爸爸 温暖。甜滋滋的 sugarcane.

Thank you 潘妈妈 的丰盛晚餐。螃蟹。 潘爸爸 的招待~

Ipoh Rock!