这句话让我想起了Yasmin Ahmad 的 Muallaf。
Muallaf, 字面上是意欲 皈依穆斯林:描述的是 心灵上的改变。
Muallaf by Yasmin Ahmad
电影里有一句dialogue, 让我印象深远:
心里是荡漾回愁,揪着揪着 心有所感。
*Rohani,反抗虐待的父亲带着妹妹Rohana 离家出走;
电影的男主角- 天主教家庭背景的Brian 因为童年阴影 远离信仰。
电影的拍摄手法 是引用可兰经的经文章节来表达。
quranexplorer.com (如果你看了电影,想要了解其中可兰经 经文的话)
许多热衷电影的年轻一辈,总爱问Yasmin 怎么样才可以拍一部好电影?
她的答案 永远会是 “I've no idea.”
" It isn’t about creating something from thin air, but about documenting our personal feelings about the things that we see. Or to put it crudely, how are you going to be a storyteller if you have no story to tell? Perhaps, in the end, there are no such things as creative people; there are only sharp observers with sensitive hearts. "
-Yasmin Ahmad, 2006
Malaysian 观众对电影的观念分类为 两种:
1. 电影的主要功能是 娱乐 (毫无惊喜的Malaysian's 答案)
2. 电影必须带有道德观价值
比起前者,Yasmis觉得NO.2 的更加困扰!
"For them, a film must be a sort of propaganda, where the filmmaker is given the right to impose the strongest of opinions on the audience. People who populate the story of the film must do the "right" thing all the time, and the ones that don't, must atone before the end credits, or suffer dire consequences."
-Yasmin Ahmad, 2006
人们总预期在电影后离场说,这部电影背后的信息如何启发他/她的人生思想。对Yasmin 而言,这些所谓的道德价值和你每天真实生活里发生的故事完全没有关系;听故事的人 又怎么能和说故事的人互相交换意见 当彼此经历和感受的并不是同一样的爱,惧怕,希望,绝望和喜悦。
" I shan't tell you here what I personally feel the purpose of a film is,
but I'd just like to hear what you folks feel and think about it."
-Yasmin Ahmad
你追求什么 你盲从什么
你想像什么 你猜测什么
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