1. 她們的腿不細,如果細那基本功應該不怎麼好。
2. 她們走路的樣子不好看,跟練功有一定的關係。
3. 她們不驕傲,從小練功所以很能吃苦。
4. 她們身上都有傷,如肌肉拉傷,骨頭錯位。
5. 她們很聰明,因為她們跳舞的時候會記節奏,動作,舞蹈感覺,從小訓練的。
6. 她們喜歡坐在地板上。
7. 她們聊天的時候表情豐富,喜歡邊壓腿邊跟你聊天。
8. 她們也許不漂亮,但氣質是跟其他女孩兒不同的。
9. 她們的動作誇張是因為她們有更多的表現欲。
10. 她們執著於學院派風格,有時會對社會流行的舞蹈出現質疑。
11. 她們從小常常外出表演,所以她們很獨立。
12. 她們在生理期也會堅持上舞蹈課,即使對身體有損傷;如果你的女朋友是舞蹈專業出身,請多疼愛她們一點。
13. 她們比其他女孩更在意體重,因為她們很害怕別人說她已經不像跳舞的了。
14. 她們的學科其實的都不怎麼樣,不要問原因,因為我真的不想說她們把更多的時間用在了專業上。
15. 她們常有瘀青或流血,那是因為她們在某年某月某日的基訓課上的投入。
16. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,請原諒他們的任性,因為他們不可能在專業老師面前撒嬌,所以她會選擇她愛的你。
17. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,請在她說她不想吃飯的時候偷偷的買來她喜歡的東西送給她,哪怕是會變肥的零食。她會責怪你一番然後幸福開心的全部吃掉。
18. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,請在她下課回去的時候給他一個擁抱,因為她真的很累。
19. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,請諒解她的所為如果他拒絕和你參加你朋友的Party 可能是她真的累了。
20. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,她走路慢的時候不要催她:你怎麼走那麼慢? 因為練功,我們肌肉都酸了,真的沒有辦法走快。
21. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,讓她再睡一下,在她賴床的時候不要責備他太懶。因為練習真的很累。
22. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,她胃痛的時候請用你溫暖的雙手抱住她 因為我們經常不吃早餐或者是匆忙趕路的時候吃,或是在跳舞前著急的吃完馬上練習的。
23. 如果你的女朋友是學舞蹈的,愛她就給他揉揉肩膀吧她可能會幸福的睡著。
不管你女朋友是什麼專業的 都請珍惜!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
what's your brand?
Have you watched Repo Men?
There is a scene, Beth told Remy (Repo man) that she owns 10 artificial organs bought on credit with different brand except her lip is all to herself ..... Inspire me to write about the BRANDS.
The idea of the story was quite interesting (though is not very new), in generally is fine.
Wanted to write about "Brands" long time before, not motivated till I watched Repo Men with WinGian tonite. Realise, we're dealing with so many DIFFERENT brand in our daily life but we simply did'nt aware as all the BRAND has becoming part of our life.
Well, you might feel like this content is kinda of Blog Advertisement, sadly to say....It wasnt as The Blogger didn't receive any US Dollars or Malaysia Ringgit from anyone, muahahahaha... Lets talk about personal care products, alrite?
How she "Sway" her hair in the end of the story was quite funny a bit.
There is a scene, Beth told Remy (Repo man) that she owns 10 artificial organs bought on credit with different brand except her lip is all to herself ..... Inspire me to write about the BRANDS.
The idea of the story was quite interesting (though is not very new), in generally is fine.
Wanted to write about "Brands" long time before, not motivated till I watched Repo Men with WinGian tonite. Realise, we're dealing with so many DIFFERENT brand in our daily life but we simply did'nt aware as all the BRAND has becoming part of our life.
Well, you might feel like this content is kinda of Blog Advertisement, sadly to say....It wasnt as The Blogger didn't receive any US Dollars or Malaysia Ringgit from anyone, muahahahaha... Lets talk about personal care products, alrite?
Brand Switcher on Shower Gel.
Johnson & Johnson successfully repositioning their brand from babies's product to "everyone" now. They've make the right decision to change their market in order to compete with other brands, if not they might lossing market share in no longer time. This is my first try purchase on their shower gel as the price is Reasonable with "appropriate" volumes. Before all this while, was using Gurdian or Watson's home brand shower gel from Ocean, Lavender, Green Tea and etc. It's really AFFORDABLE! For shower gel, I'll avoid from all the "sweet" smells: coffee? strawberry? peach? yucksssss.......When I think of the ants will "party" on my body during my sleep at night, oh No! ( I know I think too much, wadever.... :p)
Do you think I've beautiful long hair?
For shampoo, I'm definitely in the category of Brand Loyalty- Pantene, Moisturing =)
I'm Pantene's loyal customer since their launched the Pro-V series shampoo for many years till now. Probably all the positve feedback get from my friends which reinforce me continue to use and building up my confident on their shampoo espcially when there is promotion price at few pharmacy stores recently (The price of the shampoo was quite high.)
How she "Sway" her hair in the end of the story was quite funny a bit.
Gurdian's Body Scrub, Is Lavender!
I remember well about what my sis told me about Lavender, it was just smell like the washing poweder. Anyway, I'm not the Lavender person but I'm not anti-Lanveder as well.... as long as I LIKE!
Back to Clean & Clear, when I was secondary school.
No matter how many brand I changed for my foaming facial product, still back to Clean & Clear. There was quite a period I was using the set of this brand because it is Affordable, again. That time was still in secondary school, hav to be more budget. However, I'm still using this brand now (swtiched for few brand before) as I just feel comfortable and fine with it. Sometime, the simplest maybe be the best for you.
Essential for everyday!
I knew this product from the Tv shows, 女人我最大 which is strongly recommended. For me, it's quite good product as it manage to change people's perception that sunblock is no longer sticky and oily form. Biore's sunblock is in Milky form and your skin feel "Free" in nude. Previosly, I was using Loreal UV Perfect Sunblock which is quite good, simply feel like wanna try for sunblock in new form and it is pleasant.
Hada Labo 's Whitening Series
Yes, as we know this is a new brand in the market and according to the same programme I meantioned before, their Moisturing Series is selling out in every 4 sec in Japan (I've no idea how credible is the source, somehow it still has the influence there.) I bought the full series of this skin care product and it were quite expensive especially the "Little Bottle" of whitening essence about RM70+. The reason that I'm choosing Whitening is not because of the skin colour..... if it does help me to reduce my freckle that would be fantastic. Sadly, I'm such a lazy woman... only apply when I "Remember" to apply, hahaha...
BB Cream from Etude House
Okay, for this BB Cream I've not much to comment as it doesnt really gives me the "Benefits" which as the product expected to perform and make me MORE pimples thats far I feel..... It was quite expensive too about RM60+
From ZA to Fasio...
Fasion's Seed Oil's remover is NOT OILY at all, surprisingly and I like it. I was using ZA's oil remover before and it was TOO oily for me; on the other hand, Loreal's milk remover was TOO mild which not really effective for water proof make up. Fasio is good and reasonable price, TRY it!
Last but not Least,
my handphone in first love: Lolipop!
There is nothing to do with the "Introduction" of my personal products, want to Show Off my pinky LG Lolipop Phone with the ring tone, Sherlock Holmes's Discombobulate =)
So, What's you brand?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Love me or Hate me
I don't care whatever hell problem with you, I'm done with your "Princess" temper!
If I've the ability, do you think people want to endure with your bad temper, you're not goin to feel good when people doin the same thing to you, right?
I know,
I'm a stubborn person....
So, What?!
I would rather to get myself wet instead of get into your car;
I would rather to die instead of giving you smile...
.... Maybe you're just to simple minded, not even aware actually there were N times you making exactly the same "fun" on me.
and YES, I wanted to take it as a JOKE because i know it WAS.
... yup, it was definitely not in favour for sure...
Please, lovely lady....
Do thing you only you wish people do upon you.
If you never exposed your boundaries, how ever people DARE to challenge your Maximum?
Unless you think the donkey will goes and ask what Eistein's Relativity is all about,
Yes you, Moron!
Just couldnt deny, what I like about you is Also what I dislike about you,
... complicated? Yes, I know... ( same goes to you!)
Because I also think that too, and sorry- No cure for that.
Let me tell you a story,
There is SOMEONE ever fervently LIKED me as a person,
sadly to say...
now she dislike me in person (I guess), and ludicrously I'm still as always who I'm WAD!
(okay, is fine if you wan to think I'm perasan but this was the HELL truth.)
people always telling WHO they like and WHAT they like about the people...... with "condition and requirement",
When people (yes, those human being who claimed they like you lah) , you shall never accuse on them with what they like about you...
Don't understand?
.... Then just drop the case, when you're smart enough to "digest" my context again...
Well, in another simple way is......
Love me or Hate me.
If I've the ability, do you think people want to endure with your bad temper, you're not goin to feel good when people doin the same thing to you, right?
I know,
I'm a stubborn person....
So, What?!
I would rather to get myself wet instead of get into your car;
I would rather to die instead of giving you smile...
.... Maybe you're just to simple minded, not even aware actually there were N times you making exactly the same "fun" on me.
and YES, I wanted to take it as a JOKE because i know it WAS.
... yup, it was definitely not in favour for sure...
Please, lovely lady....
Do thing you only you wish people do upon you.
If you never exposed your boundaries, how ever people DARE to challenge your Maximum?
Unless you think the donkey will goes and ask what Eistein's Relativity is all about,
Yes you, Moron!
Just couldnt deny, what I like about you is Also what I dislike about you,
... complicated? Yes, I know... ( same goes to you!)
Because I also think that too, and sorry- No cure for that.
Let me tell you a story,
There is SOMEONE ever fervently LIKED me as a person,
sadly to say...
now she dislike me in person (I guess), and ludicrously I'm still as always who I'm WAD!
(okay, is fine if you wan to think I'm perasan but this was the HELL truth.)
people always telling WHO they like and WHAT they like about the people...... with "condition and requirement",
When people (yes, those human being who claimed they like you lah) , you shall never accuse on them with what they like about you...
Don't understand?
.... Then just drop the case, when you're smart enough to "digest" my context again...
Well, in another simple way is......
Love me or Hate me.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Ms Conti, Cherrie.
Our Talent, Mr Luqman.
The Unfiltered's Pianist, Yasmin.
My dear talent, Alex.
Monday, August 9, 2010
那一刻,只能立刻联想起 [宫心计]。
- 语不惊人休不死,哀哉哀哉。
虽然不比Red Head (灯光的器材)那么亮,却无法忽视。
要不是 [The Shadow]:
不会有机会走进 回教堂,
不会有机会 戴Tudung, (The pictures me with Tudung, coming soon!)
不会有机会 触摸到可兰经,
不会有机会 更加认识Muslim。
I'm not trying to be bias,
somehow the two experience happened in the mosques wasnt that pleasant for me, I'm kinda pissed off and affected my appertide that evening, sigh. (delicious chicken rice and cuisine was front of me)
Nazir (the officer who in-charge of the mosque, commonly know as Nazir).
He is a friendly old man with open minded thinking, even strongly encourage young people get to know about them better. When we're done shooting in the mosques that day, he let us not to hesistate looking for him again if any help needed. Of course, we're very grateful. However, there is always strong oppose people out there- the muslim prayers.
We were claimed by the muslim prayer there been not respectful as we're not in the proper entire (the actual wear of female muslim, included tudung) when get into the praying hall. Though we've the approval from the Nazir and well behave ourselves, just couldnt avoid from the criticism. Yes, to be true we're not in "fully attire" , but we're giving our best to commit with the rules in respect and we're NOT MUSLIM! This is not really the reason i'm pissed off but the bull shit ONE MALAYSIA reason from the mouth of muslim prayer there.
We were at the CARPARK outside the mosque waiting for the shooting to be done, there comes the guy critics on us that been not respectful to there religion because of our " Improper" attire. He don't care whatever approval or any shit we've, no matter what hell it is- we're all in guilty! When there is many others prayer wearing similar like us. NONSENSE!
" Please lah, we're ONE MALAYSIA .... Respect our religion and bla bla bla.."
Come on lah, Brother! You can give any excuse to CHASE us away but not the stupid reason like that, though we've done nothing wrong. Dont you feel sarcastic?! I doubt whether do you really understand whats that concept about before saying it out. Damn pissed off when the others crew members were keep appologise to him again. ARGH! ( I understand they're trying to avoid from any conflict).
Well, I start to think whats the actual purpose of the implementation of One Malaysia concept for?
More water cant even dillute my anger!
.... Thats all, too angry cannot continue anymore.
那一刻,只能立刻联想起 [宫心计]。
- 语不惊人休不死,哀哉哀哉。
虽然不比Red Head (灯光的器材)那么亮,却无法忽视。
as always, I'm the make up and wardrobe (siezzz....)
要不是 [The Shadow]:
不会有机会走进 回教堂,
不会有机会 戴Tudung, (The pictures me with Tudung, coming soon!)
不会有机会 触摸到可兰经,
不会有机会 更加认识Muslim。
somehow the two experience happened in the mosques wasnt that pleasant for me, I'm kinda pissed off and affected my appertide that evening, sigh. (delicious chicken rice and cuisine was front of me)
Nazir (the officer who in-charge of the mosque, commonly know as Nazir).
He is a friendly old man with open minded thinking, even strongly encourage young people get to know about them better. When we're done shooting in the mosques that day, he let us not to hesistate looking for him again if any help needed. Of course, we're very grateful. However, there is always strong oppose people out there- the muslim prayers.
We were claimed by the muslim prayer there been not respectful as we're not in the proper entire (the actual wear of female muslim, included tudung) when get into the praying hall. Though we've the approval from the Nazir and well behave ourselves, just couldnt avoid from the criticism. Yes, to be true we're not in "fully attire" , but we're giving our best to commit with the rules in respect and we're NOT MUSLIM! This is not really the reason i'm pissed off but the bull shit ONE MALAYSIA reason from the mouth of muslim prayer there.
We were at the CARPARK outside the mosque waiting for the shooting to be done, there comes the guy critics on us that been not respectful to there religion because of our " Improper" attire. He don't care whatever approval or any shit we've, no matter what hell it is- we're all in guilty! When there is many others prayer wearing similar like us. NONSENSE!
" Please lah, we're ONE MALAYSIA .... Respect our religion and bla bla bla.."
Come on lah, Brother! You can give any excuse to CHASE us away but not the stupid reason like that, though we've done nothing wrong. Dont you feel sarcastic?! I doubt whether do you really understand whats that concept about before saying it out. Damn pissed off when the others crew members were keep appologise to him again. ARGH! ( I understand they're trying to avoid from any conflict).
Well, I start to think whats the actual purpose of the implementation of One Malaysia concept for?
More water cant even dillute my anger!
.... Thats all, too angry cannot continue anymore.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
我猜,每个人会有一样对自己别具意义的东西,写着你的故事;在日常生活里,它或许就是很渺小,也很不起眼的东西。。。但,它对你来说就是那么,那么的特别。它可以是一首歌,串串钥匙圈或是 张张照片。我有个朋友,一枚枚的酒瓶盖就是他片片的纪录片。
我呢?- 鞋子。
我猜,每个人会有一样对自己别具意义的东西,写着你的故事;在日常生活里,它或许就是很渺小,也很不起眼的东西。。。但,它对你来说就是那么,那么的特别。它可以是一首歌,串串钥匙圈或是 张张照片。我有个朋友,一枚枚的酒瓶盖就是他片片的纪录片。
我呢?- 鞋子。
我只好为你 在这里写下你的墓碑,
我会很想念 我们曾经在泰国的美丽假期。
Monday, August 2, 2010
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